1 AAC Basics → a. What is AAC

AAC Myths (1A003)

There are many misconceptions about what AAC is and how it can or cannot support people. Learn the truth and dispel common myths with these resources.

For more like this, you may also search: Research, evidenced based, speech, language, development, aphasia, ALS, progressive disorders, literacy

Disclaimer: Tobii Dynavox is continuously improving so there may be slight differences between your experience and our training materials.
  • Global AAC Myths
  • Myths about AAC - General
  • Myth: AAC Will Fix All Communication Difficulties
  • Myth: An Individual Can Be Too Impaired to Benefit from AAC
  • Myth: People with Severe Comm. Impairments Cannot Learn Communication Skills
  • Myth: Equipment for Accessing an AAC Device is Not Medically Necessary
  • Myth: Some Speech for Basic Needs is Enough
  • Myth: It Is Necessary to Use Low Tech AAC Tools Before Using a HI Tech Comm. Dev
  • Myth: All You Need are Core Words for Communication
  • Myth: AAC Will Keep an Individual from Using or Developing Natural Speech
  • Myth: Too Young to Use AAC
  • Myth: Young Children Must Wait Until They Can Use AAC
  • Myth: AAC is the responsibility of the Speech-Language Pathologist alone
  • Aphasia
  • Myths about AAC - Aphasia
  • Myth: AAC Can Be Provided Too Soon Following a Neurological Event
  • Myth: Will AAC impede speech recovery for PWA
  • Myth: AAC Will Fix All Communication Difficulties
  • ALS and other progressive diseases
  • Myths about AAC - Progressive
  • Literacy
  • Myth: Literacy and Communication Do Not Impact Each Other
  • Myth: Children Can Be Too Young to Start Learning Literacy Skills
  • Myth: Functional Literacy is Enough for People with Disabilities
  • Myth: People with Severe Communication Impairments Cannot Learn Literacy Skills
  • Myth: Always Pair Symbols with Words
  • Myth: Language Levels of Books Can Be Too High
  • Myth: Individuals Can Be Too Old to Learn Communication and Literacy Skills
  • We'd love your feedback!
  • Handout: Compiled Links to all myths
  • Quick Guide: AAC Myths and Misunderstandings
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