5 Devices → g. SC Tablet Mini → i. Meet SC Tablet Mini

SC Tablet Mini: Small and Portable AAC (5F101)

SC Tablet Mini is our smallest touch device that combines a rugged and durable case with a powerful iPad Mini to support people of all ages. Learn more about this device that’s portable, durable, and made for augmentative and alternative communication.

For more like this, you may also search: SC Tablet Mini, TD Speech Case Mini, TD Snap, aphasia, TD Talk

Disclaimer: Tobii Dynavox is continuously improving so there may be slight differences between your experience and our training materials.
  • Before You Begin
  • Welcome To This Course!
  • What You'll Learn
  • SC Tablet Mini - Product Introduction
  • Meet SC Tablet Mini
  • Who SC Tablet Supports
  • Take the Tour!
  • Reflection
  • Reflection Recap
  • Access and Compatibility
  • Access: Supporting Touch Users
  • SC Tablet Mini at a Glance
  • All in the TD Speech Case Family
  • Side by Side: SC Tablet & SC Tablet Mini
  • What's Next
  • Go Further
  • We'd love your feedback!
  • Resource Library: Getting Started Guides, Manuals, & More
  • SC Tablet Mini Resources
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed